Source code for lupkg.lupkg_list

import copy
import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap
from six import string_types

from frkl.defaults import (
from frkl import Frklist
from frkl import Frkl, FrklProcessor
from frutils import dict_merge
from .lupkg import LATEST
from .lupkg_processors import get_processor
from .lupkg_config import DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME, LUPKG_INDEXES

log = logging.getLogger("lucify")

# name of the file that contains lupkg metadata for a folder

LUPKG_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(
    os.path.expanduser("~"), ".local", "share", "lupkg", "cache"

# default config folder location
LUPKG_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/lupkg")
# legacy config folder location
LUPKG_CONFIG_FOLDER_LEGACY_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.lupkg")

# setting default config path
if os.path.exists(LUPKG_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH):

# config file names
LUPKG_PROFILES_FILE = os.path.join(LUPKG_CONFIG_FOLDER, "profiles.yml")

# default index

yaml = YAML()
yaml.default_flow_style = False

DEFAULT_PATH_MAP = {"__default__": ""}

[docs]class LupkgPkgItem(object): def __init__( self, pkg_name, base_path, version=LATEST, properties=None, index=None, path_map=None, ): self.pkg_name = pkg_name if base_path is None: raise Exception("Base path can't be none") self.base_path = base_path if version is None: version = LATEST self.version = version if index is None: index = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME if isinstance(index, string_types): repository_obj = LUPKG_INDEXES.get_index(index) if repository_obj is None: raise Exception("No repository configured for alias '{}'".format(index)) else: index = repository_obj self.index = index self.pkg = self.index.get_pkg(self.pkg_name) if properties is None: properties = {} = properties if path_map is None: path_map = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PATH_MAP) if isinstance(path_map, string_types): path_map = {"__default__": path_map} if not isinstance(path_map, (dict, OrderedDict, CommentedMap)): raise Exception("Invalid type for 'paths' value: {}".format(type(path_map))) if "__default__" not in path_map.keys(): path_map["__default__"] = "" self.path_map = path_map # TODO: validate path_map self.pkg = self.index.get_pkg(self.pkg_name) if self.pkg is None: raise Exception("Package '{}' not found in index".format(self.pkg_name)) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.pkg_name, self.base_path) == (other.pkg_name, other.base_path) def __ne__(self, other): ret = self.__eq__(other) return ret if ret is NotImplemented else not ret def __lt__(self, other): return (self.pkg_name, self.base_path) < (other.pkg_name, other.base_path) def __le__(self, other): return (self.pkg_name, self.base_path) <= (other.pkg_name, other.base_path) def __gt__(self, other): return (self.pkg_name, self.base_path) > (other.pkg_name, other.base_path) def __ge__(self, other): return (self.pkg_name, self.base_path) >= (other.pkg_name, other.base_path) def __repr__(self): return "LupkgPkgItem: [pkg: {}, version: {}, repo: {}]".format( self.pkg_name, self.version, self.index.get_name() ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.pkg_name, self.base_path)
[docs] def get_overlay_properties(self, properties): if properties is None: properties = {} result = dict_merge(, properties, copy_dct=True) return result
[docs] def get_file_names(self): result = self.get_url_details().keys() return result
[docs] def get_url_details( self, version=None, properties=None, ignore_template_errors=True ): if version is None: version = self.version urls = self.pkg.get_url_details( version=version, properties=self.get_overlay_properties(properties), ignore_template_errors=ignore_template_errors, ) # filter man pages for now, because they go into a different path result = OrderedDict() for file, md in urls.items(): if md["type"] == "man": continue result[file] = md return result
[docs] def get_path_for_file(self, file_name): url_details = self.get_url_details(ignore_template_errors=True) if file_name not in url_details.keys(): raise Exception( "File '{}' not part of package '{}'".format(file_name, self.pkg_name) ) path = self.path_map.get(file_name, None) if path is None: path = url_details[file_name].get("path", None) if path is None: path = self.path_map.get("__default__") if not path: path = file_name if path.endswith(os.sep): path = os.path.join(path, file_name) if os.path.isabs(path): return path else: return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.base_path, path))
[docs] def exists(self, file_name): file_path = self.get_path_for_file(file_name) if os.path.exists(file_path): if os.path.isdir(file_path): raise Exception("pkg file '{}' exists, but is folder".format(file_path)) return True else: return False
[docs] def is_installed(self): for file_name, details in self.get_url_details( ignore_template_errors=True ).items(): if not self.exists(file_name): return False return True
[docs] def is_up_to_date(self, check_files_exist=True): for file_name, details in self.get_url_details( ignore_template_errors=True ).items(): if check_files_exist: if not self.exists(file_name): return False latest_version = self.pkg.latest_version_name if self.version == LATEST and latest_version == LATEST: # this means we don't know the exact version number, or the package does not use them return False elif self.version == latest_version: continue else: return False return True
[docs] def uninstall(self): result = [] for file_name in self.get_file_names(): path = os.path.join(self.base_path, file_name) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) result.append(path) return result
[docs] def install(self, version=LATEST, pkg_properties=None, install_properties=None): if install_properties is None: install_properties = {} force = install_properties.get("force", False) reinstall = install_properties.get("reinstall", False) if not version or version == LATEST: version = self.pkg.latest_version_name url_details = self.get_url_details( version=version, properties=self.get_overlay_properties(pkg_properties), ignore_template_errors=False, ) if force is False and reinstall is False: all_exist = True for file_name, details in url_details.items(): if not self.exists(file_name): all_exist = False break if all_exist: if version != LATEST and self.version == version: log.debug("pkg '{}' exists, doing nothing".format(self.pkg_name)) return [] result = [] log.debug("Installing package: {}".format(self.pkg_name)) for file_name, details in url_details.items(): log.debug("- installing file: {}".format(file_name)) file_type = details.get("type", "default") processor = get_processor(file_type) merged_properties = self.get_overlay_properties(pkg_properties) local_file = processor.process_pkg_item( self, file_name, self.base_path, version=version, properties=merged_properties, process_properties=install_properties, ) result.append(local_file) new_pkg_item = LupkgPkgItem( self.pkg_name, self.base_path, version=version, properties=merged_properties, index=self.index, path_map=self.path_map, ) return {"pkg_item": new_pkg_item, "installed_files": result}
[docs]class LupList(Frklist): def __init__(self, pkgs, context=None, meta=None, vars=None): self.base_path = None super(LupList, self).__init__(pkgs, context, meta, vars)
[docs] def process_meta_properties(self, meta_dict, tasklist): super(LupList, self).process_meta_properties(meta_dict, tasklist) if "path" not in meta_dict.keys(): meta_dict["path"] = os.getcwd() self.base_path = meta_dict["path"] return meta_dict
[docs] def expand_and_augment_tasklist(self, pkgs): result = [] LUPKG_FRKL_FORMAT = { STEM_KEY_NAME: "packages", DEFAULT_LEAF_KEY_NAME: "package", DEFAULT_LEAF_DEFAULT_KEY_NAME: "name", # DEFAULT_LEAF_KEY_MAP_NAME: "package", OTHER_VALID_KEYS_NAME: ["properties", "path_map"], } chain = [FrklProcessor(**LUPKG_FRKL_FORMAT)] f = Frkl([pkgs], chain) pkgs_md = f.process() log.debug("frklized pkg list: {}".format(result)) pkg_names = [] for pkg_md in pkgs_md: pkg_name = pkg_md["package"]["name"] if pkg_name in pkg_names: log.warn( "Duplicate package '{}', this might cause unpredictable behaviour.".format( pkg_name ) ) else: pkg_names.append(pkg_name) version = pkg_md["package"].get("version", LATEST) index = pkg_md["package"].get("index", None) if index is None: raise Exception("NO INDEX") properties = pkg_md.get("properties", {}) path_map = pkg_md.get("path_map", {}) item = LupkgPkgItem( pkg_name, self.base_path, version=version, properties=properties, path_map=path_map, index=index, ) result.append(item) return result
[docs] def find_list_index_of_package(self, pkg_name): for index, pkg in enumerate(self.tasklist): if pkg.pkg_name == pkg_name: return index return None
[docs] def find_existing_package_in_list(self, pkg_name): for pkg in self.tasklist: if pkg.pkg_name == pkg_name: return pkg return None
[docs] def get_package_names(self): result = [n.pkg_name for n in self.tasklist] return result
[docs] def update_pkg_item(self, new_pkg): pkg_name = new_pkg.pkg_name index = self.find_list_index_of_package(pkg_name) if index is not None: self.tasklist[index] = new_pkg else: self.tasklist.append(new_pkg)
[docs] def remote_package(self, pkg_name): index = self.find_list_index_of_package(pkg_name) if index is None: return del self.tasklist[index]
[docs] def render_tasklist(self): result = [] for task in self.tasklist: item = {} item["package"] = {} item["package"]["name"] = task.pkg_name item["package"]["version"] = task.version item["package"]["index"] = task.index.get_name() if item["properties"] = if task.path_map and not task.path_map == DEFAULT_PATH_MAP: tm_copy = copy.deepcopy(task.path_map) tm_copy.pop("__default__", None) item["path_map"] = tm_copy result.append(item) return result
[docs]class LupkgPath(object): def __init__(self, path, metadata_file=None): self.path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if metadata_file is None: self.metadata_file = os.path.join( self.path, LUPKG_FOLDER_METADATA_FILE_NAME ) else: if not os.path.exists(metadata_file) or os.path.isfile( os.path.realpath(metadata_file) ): self.metadata_file = metadata_file else: self.metadata_file = os.path.join( metadata_file, LUPKG_FOLDER_METADATA_FILE_NAME ) metadata_file_dir = os.path.dirname(self.metadata_file) if not os.path.exists(metadata_file_dir): log.debug("Creating metadata file parent: {}".format(metadata_file_dir)) os.makedirs(metadata_file_dir) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(metadata_file_dir)): raise Exception( "Metadata file path is not a directory: {}".format(metadata_file_dir) ) if not os.path.exists(self.metadata_file): open(self.metadata_file, "a").close() self.pkg_list = LupList(self.metadata_file, meta={"path": self.path})
[docs] def get_pkgs(self): return self.pkg_list.tasklist
[docs] def get_pkg(self, pkg_name): return self.pkg_list.find_existing_package_in_list(pkg_name)
[docs] def get_pkg_names(self): return self.pkg_list.get_package_names()
[docs] def uninstall_pkg(self, pkg_name): existing_pkg = self.pkg_list.find_existing_package_in_list(pkg_name) if existing_pkg is None: log.debug("Package '{}' not installed, doing nothing.".format(existing_pkg)) return deleted_files = existing_pkg.uninstall() self.pkg_list.remote_package(pkg_name) self.write_package_list() return deleted_files
[docs] def install_pkg( self, pkg_name, version=LATEST, properties=None, index=None, install_properties=None, ignore_if_already_installed=False, ): existing_pkg = self.pkg_list.find_existing_package_in_list(pkg_name) init_properties = None init_path_map = None init_repo = None init_version = None if existing_pkg is not None: init_version = existing_pkg.version init_properties = init_path_map = existing_pkg.path_map init_repo = existing_pkg.index.get_name() if index is None: index = init_repo pkg = LupkgPkgItem( pkg_name, self.path, version=init_version, index=index, properties=init_properties, path_map=init_path_map, ) if ignore_if_already_installed and pkg.is_installed(): # means all required files are installed already temp = self.get_pkg(pkg_name) if temp is not None: return {} result = pkg.install( version=version, pkg_properties=properties, install_properties=install_properties, ) log.debug("Install result: {}".format(result)) if not result: return result new_pkg = result["pkg_item"] self.pkg_list.update_pkg_item(new_pkg) self.write_package_list() return result
[docs] def write_package_list(self): with open(self.metadata_file, "w") as mdf: tl = self.pkg_list.render_tasklist() if tl: yaml.dump(tl, mdf) else: with open(self.metadata_file, "w") as mdf: mdf.write("")